How secure is your password? A strong password is the number one factor in online security. Having password123 is just not good enough! We have a few tips and tricks to show you how best to simply manage your passwords. First start by testing the strength of your password – go to and bang in your password and see how long it would take to compromise! Are you surprised?
Would it be quick or are you secure with it taking millions of years? Now what should your password have? Start with a phrase as this this easy to remember eg. runfoxrun. Now let’s add capitals, numbers, and special characters eg. RunF0xRun! Now don’t be tempted to use the same password for everything i.e. Facebook, Twitter, banking profile, email and Instagram. If your password is compromised on one platform, the hackers will try all other logon locations.
So how am I going to remember different passwords for every location I hear you ask! Simple, take your base password RunF0xRun! and add a T at the end for Twitter, a B at the end for banking and E at the end for email etc. eg. RunF0xRun!E – in this way it’s easy to remember and unique per location. And as always, NEVER ever share your passwords online or on the phone with anyone!